Wanna be in FDC?
Tuesday 9/8 & Thursday 9/10
6:53-9:00 PM
PAC Stage
*Masks required on arrival and departure from school and in any down-time, but they can be taken off while dancing.
*If you are stuck at home in a mandatory quarantine, or have conflicts with both nights and cannot attend the Learn Nights in person, please do the following:
1. Alert Mr. McGraw via email (if you have not already done so).
2. Join the FDC Google Classroom class by clicking on the link below of using the following code: kpq5t47
3. Join the Meet using the Meet Link in the FDC class on Google Classroom.
4. Watch the tutorial video that will be posted on Tuesday night.
Tuesday 9/8 & Thursday 9/10
7:00-7:45 PM
Choir Room (P117)
*All parents of potential new FDC members must attend one of the two meetings. All returning parents are highly encouraged to attend if at all possible.
*At the conclusion of the meeting, you will need to sign your child's waiver in the Parent Meeting Packet you will receive at the meeting. If you are a returning parent and cannot attend the meeting, the Parent Meeting Packet will be available online here by 9PM on 9/10. This waiver is their ticket to audition, so at the latest, make sure your student brings it with them to audition on Friday 9/11.
*Masks will need to be worn during the Parent Meeting as we are on school grounds.
Friday, 9/11
4:00-8:00 PM (at the latest...last year we were done by 7 PM)
PAC Stage
*Masks required on arrival and departure from school, while singing, and in any down-time. However, you may take your mask off while dancing.
*For those of you who cannot attend the auditions in-person due to a mandatory quarantine, or for some other pre-excused reason, I will post more information here later in the week regarding how and where you submit your video-taped audition. I know this is a crappy situation, but we will make it work! Don't stress!
*Click on the link below to submit a videotaped audition:
*All singer-dancers, pit, & tech complete this form by Thurs. 9/10 @ 11:59 PM.