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Mrs. Jennifer Randall - Director

Jen Randall is starting her 16th year as a choir director, and is thrilled to be with the Mitchell Kernel Choirs family. Randall is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, where she recieved her Bachelors of Music Education and was a founding member of Big Red Singers (show choir). After teaching for 2 years in Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools post graduation, she and her husband moved to Texas where she became the associate choir director at Keller Central High School. During her tenure, the program grew to over 350 singers in 6 concert ensembles and she started the first ever competitive show choir in Texas; Voices of Central (VOC). Her time in Keller included hosting the first invitational in the state (2009) and VOC placing 13th in the nation at Fame in 2013. In 2016, she moved her family to South Dakota to take over Friend de Coup and the HS choir department in Mitchell. Over her summers, Mrs. Randall enjoys being a vocal clinician at Nebraska Show Choir Camp and spending time with the 3 guys at her house: Tim (owner of Tim Randall Design and Photography), Benjamin (Ben the Car Kid and a 5th grader at Longfellow) and Owen (a kindergartener at Longfellow, though he doesn't have a website).

INSTAGRAM:                                            MITCHELLFRIENDDECOUP
FACEBOOK:                                MITCHELL SHOW CHOIRS ALUMNI
FACEBOOK:                             FDC PARENTS AND STUDENTS ONLY

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