Busy Week - Please Read!
Well, it's here! Winter Concert week is upon us. Please check out the days this week to see what's happening and where to be at what time!
Monday- FDC (6:53-9:30pm)
Tuesday- MS Choir Concert at 7:00p in the auditorium. NO FDC due to Concert. Optional attendance.
Wednesday- after school rehearsal till 4:00pm for Kernel Carolers. You know who you are if this applies.
SRB: all choir and band students meet in the auditorium at 10:10am.
6:00pm: all Prep Choir students meet in the choir room for a run through of your songs.
6:45pm: all non band singers meet in seats or choir room, depending on what your told during class this week.
Friday- Kernel Carolers at the Dakota Discovery Museum at 7:00pm. Head to balcony, sing after the barbershop guys.

Winter Concert